Key Advantages for Builders


resistant to climate & natural disasters


than traditional construction methods


material and labour savings


more efficient to transport and manage

EnviroCrete Building System
Increases construction schedule and lowers the overall operation costs

EnviroCrete Bioclimatic house under construction
  • Light weight components easier to handle transport and erect (800kg/m2).
  • Faster construction time regardless of the weather conditions.
  • Average erection time only for 150 sqm house is 4 days (3 workers + 1 crane operator).
  • Speed of delivery – 5 times faster than brick and mortar.
  • Only conventional masonry skills and equipment required.
  • Economy of scale easily achievable with modular components
  • Less detailing and shop drawings reduced margin for error, increased  accuracy.
  • Larger wall pannels imply less components  to install (and to transport).
  • Error proof assembly sequence is assured by a factory numbered BOM
    Pre-installed electrical and plumbing services – no chasing\grinding of plastered walls.
  • Precast window and door cut outs and pre-installed frames – no need for lintels.
  • Precast truss slots – no beam filling.
  • Pre plastered finish from factory – no on site plastering and waste.
  • No on site wastage of materials and temporary warehousing.
  • No repairs and maintenance – precast does not crack.
  • Accurate within tolerances of +/- 2mm – 5mm.
  • Scaffolding NOT required.

Benefits to Home Owners


Purchasing a home in line and respectful of green environmental construction standards and reducing energy consumption is a compelling requirement and yet a challenge that can be met!

  • Yearly savings in electricity consumption for heating and cooling results in electricity bills (Rand/kWh) reduced by 30%-40%
  • No need  for HVAC cooling systems
  • Decrease of thermal energy requirement for heating of about 32% results in comfortable dueling conditions at all times and in all seasons
  • Certified Green EnviroCrete® Houses generate Carbon Credits (cash) that can be sold to the Carbon trading market generating a regular monthly income stream .


It is a common desire to own a affordable comfortable, durable green home designed to last, that can be  flexibly modified and expanded at any moment in time and to ensure wellness of living to all the family members

  • EnviroCrete® homes are structurally superior resistant to natural disasters and proven to be 5 times more resistant when solicited by earth quakes. Property owners are ensured that their investment is subject to maintain it’s initial value and will NOT BE LOST.
  • EnviroCrete® homes are comfortable and healthy, custom designed to ensure a dignified standard of living and wellness
    Home dwellers will appreciate the house’s value  immediately and also in the long term. Social, sanitary and economical  MONETARY DEDUCTABLES & SAVINGS will become tangible.
  • EnviroCrete® material is 100% recyclable .Even when a house is  destinated to be demolished  the wall pannels can be crushed and re-utilized again to produce new wall panels or infrastructure components. The initial ivestment is NEVER LOST


Economic competitiveness of housing is always a determinant selection criteria but must not be the driving one if the circumtances allow.
Accessing Housing Finance is a big challenge that can be met!

  • EnviroCrete® (waste wood-treated) is 30-40% cheaper than conventional agregates AND HOUSES COST LESS.
  • EnviroCrete®  houses are to 70 % faster to build vs conventional contruction methods AND ARE DELIVERED QUICKLY.
  • EnviroCrete®  houses are tailored to customer requirements and GREEN INDUSTRY STANDARDS and suject to fiscal benefits

The efficacy of Bio-Climatic design and Green Building materials in subsidised housing in South Africa:
A case study to rate substantial improvement the quality of life
Roberto Pane; Shaiek Coe –EnviroCrete (Pty) Ltd

JOBS generated by EnviroCrete® Building System

EnviroCrete Chipping Plant Capacity 3,5 tons/hour
Ecological Houses

One Production Faciltiy  produces enough material for 7 Subsidy houses (45 m2) per day

Envirocrete Job Creation in South Africa

Jobs are the foundation of any economy. High levels of unemployment relate to a structural weakness in a country’s economy and lead to poverty, inequality, social problems.
South Africa has relatively high levels of unemployment with a rate of more than 25% (percent).

Envirocrete®Building System naturally enhances concurrent implementation of smart solutions that lead to jobs creation, and to rapid economic development

  • Shared ecological consciousness.
  • Improved education and new skills.
  • Stimulus to entrepreneurship development.
  • Enriched cross sectoral exchange opportunities.
  • Influence concrete implementation of green governmental policies.
  • Speed up mass housing delivery and improving access housing finance.


An overview
The GEISA, developed a high-level inventory of green economy initiatives across sectors, spheres of government and service categories. The eight thematic areas outlined in the National Strategy for sustainable Development and Action Plan (DEA, 2011) provided a framework to examine and understand the characteristics of green economy initiatives, including their contribution to job creation, skills development and finance.

Strategic Stake Holders interest in South Africa

EnviroCrete® Building System

effects ALL SECTORS and is beneficial to everybody

See how

SA Department of Trade and Industry

It is required that all industrial sectors  and expecially the construction industry adopt materials, technologies and innovative processes  that reduce or eliminate all together the gas emissions relaying on recylable and renawable resources 

This implies supporting the further strengthening of energy-efficient production and carbon mitigation efforts allowing  for sustainable adaptation by all the energy-intensive sectors of the economy

SA Department of Energy

Green housing development are less demanding on electrical power supply and  significantly reduce in energy requirements for heating and cooling.

National economic resources can be devolved into building more green energy efficient houses local and renewable energy plants and less conventional power stations and costly infrastructure for power transmission

SA Department of Human settlements

Currently in SA  there are about 1.49 million hectares of industrial forest plantations (1.3 percent of national land). These plantations currently  supporting a multi-billion rand industry, employing over a hundred thousand people, which is managed for sustainable production

If devolved  to green housing developments the growth of the ecologic business could be exponential and totally in the national interest.

SA Department of Public Works

Contaiment of noxious land slides and flood protection with retainer boundaries blocks curbs and wall barriers

Improvement of conservation of natural heritage and fauna.
Recovery of additional space  Envirocrete  being much lighter implies that  additional floors may be erected on top of existing buildings 

SA Department of Transport

New road and railway developments and infrastructure can be deployed with noise-reduction acoustic barriers along highly populated settlements

Improve environment protection and alleviate noise pollution, improve public health and wellness

SA Department of Human Settlements

Can provide sustainable thermally efficient housing solutions on a large scale = deliver better, more and faster.

Alleviate social tensions and reduce the national housing backlog

SA Department of Water & Sanitation

Envirocrete Pit-Toilets much lighter (60% lighter), 3 x more toilets may be transported at once 

 Contribution to Improvement precarious sanitary conditions timely

National Resources Reductions and Savings in SA

The contribution of EnviroCrete green building material and construction system to the global climate change:
A case study to describe the enviromental impact and and reduction of the CO2 carbon footprint 
Roberto Pane; Shaiek Coe –EnviroCrete (Pty) Ltd

Carbon Trading global interest in the Circular Green Economy

Overview – Emissions Trading

In order to meet itìs international and domestic carbon emissions requirements, South Africa needs to substantially rethink its current energy and industrial trajectories. This represents a massive challenge for any country with such a high dependence on coal as part of its energy mix – especially in light of retaining its global competitiveness and maintaining its economic growth.
This section bring a concrete business case example  on how the EnviroCrete Bio-Climatica Building System practicaly implements   the meccanisms of international carbon trading and market schemes, as a means to reduce carbon emissions and increase the participation of developing countries in voluntary mitigation activities.

Emissions trading (also known as cap and trade) is a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for reducing the emissions of pollutants

A tax on carbon emissions isn’t the only way to “put a price on carbon” and provide incentives to reduce use of high-carbon fuels. A carbon cap-and-trade system is an alternative widely supported approach supported by prominent politicians, corporations and mainstream environmental groups.

So, what is cap and trade?

Put simply, cap and trade is a market-based tool usually used by a state or central government to reduce pollution in the atmosphere. Under a cap and trade system, the ‘responsible authorities’ set a limit on allowable emissions, which is gradually lowered over time towards a national reduction target. Permits are issued to companies indicating their right to emit a specific amount of pollution. These permits can be traded in the market place.

If a firm emits less than its quota, it can sell surplus allowances; if it emits more than allowed, it has to buy allowances from other  companies or may use credits from the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism or Joint Implementation schemes. As a result, the reduction targets of the Kyoto Protocol have given rise to a so-called ‘compliance market.’

Carbon Trading Cap and Trade

The business case around Carbon tax in South Africa
A pratical study to illustrate the mecchnisms and potentials of  drastically reducing the carbon tax liability of PPC Cement Pty Ltd and how Envirocrete  House’s become source of continuous revenues in the form of Green Carbon Credits 
Roberto Pane; Shaiek Coe –EnviroCrete (Pty) Ltd

GEISA - Green Economy Inventory for South Africa:

An Overview

Historically, South Africa’s development path centred on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-intensive mining and energy industries. The present-day South African government is committed to addressing climate change through a just transition towards an inclusive, environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient economy. The transition to a greener economy is embedded in national policy which is driving the greening of economic sectors to support the creation of green and decent jobs, more energy and material efficient production processes, significantly less waste, pollution and GHG emissions.

The GEISA, developed over a three-month period in 2016, is a high-level inventory of green economy initiatives across sectors, spheres of government and service categories. The eight thematic areas outlined in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan (DEA, 2011) provided a framework to examine and understand the characteristics of green economy initiatives, including their contribution to job creation, skills development and finance. An overview of these sectors, their funding sources, stakeholder base and regional spread is illustrated in the general overview

The business case around Carbon tax and Emissions Trading in South Africa
With refrence to the Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Carbon Tax Policy paper: National Treasury (3 June 2013) South Africa has implemented a Carbon Tax legislation - regulated by Cap-and-Trade policies for Emissions Trading.

The driving factors being:

  • - to raise climate change awareness on public health and general well-being of humanity.
  • - to induce changes in life style behaviours and choices.
  • - to triggers alternative economy models to incentivise renewable and sustainable green business developments and technologies

According to an ADRS economic model the average annual economic growth in South Africa from 2015 to 2030 will be 2.4 percent – should the government introduce the carbon tax without supporting measures, whilst its estimated at 3.1 percent rate without the implanting the carbon tax. Reinvesting the tax revenue will boost economic growth to 4.3 percent per annum.


Strategic alliance proposal to PPC Cement Pty Ltd for reduction of the corporate tax liability.

CO2 Emissions (tons) Total Direct Indirect
Cement, lime and Dolomite 4 450 471 3 902 912 547 559
Cement SA 3 470 226 3 902 912 476 028
Cement Zimbawe 488 641 459 991 28 650
  • - 2018 budget speech indicated that the SA carbon tax will be implemented from 1 January 2019.
  • - The current tax structuring proposes R120/ton applied to CO2 emissions.
  • - PPC qualifies for the basic allowance of 60%, and other allowances including process allowances, carbon budget and trade exposure (once regulated) which increases the basic allowance.
  • - PPC anticipates that the impact of carbon tax is likely to be in the region of ~R80 – R100m for cement and lime per annum.
  • - PPC is continually looking to reduce its carbon emissions.
  • - Mega plant strategy – use of efficient kilns.
  • - SK9 – modern efficient technology – commissioned in Q2 2018
  • - Use of alternative fuels – replacement of coal

The contribution of EnviroCrete® green building material and construction system to the global climate change:
A case study to describe the enviromental impact and and reduction of the CO2 carbon footprint 
Roberto Pane; Shaiek Coe –EnviroCrete (Pty) Ltd


How to reduce CO2 ?
There are two ways to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere: either by reducing emissions, or by removing CO2 and storing it: reducing “carbon sources” and removing “carbon sources”.

What does reducing carbon sources mean?
The reduction of CO2 emissions is a great challenge and a major commitment that each of us must take: by industry and research institutes that invest money, time and energy to improve and implement new "green technologies" to small consumers, ordinary people, with their daily choices and lifestyle.

Advanced technologies now exist in many sectors that can reduce CO2 emissions significantly. The massive use of these technologies would save a lot tons of carbon each year, with a consequent improvement in living conditions for all.-----------> If widespeadly adpoted
Moreover very often these new technologies also allow saving money, but  improving improve the energy balance and significaly also the  also financial one.

Another way to reduce carbon CO2 in the atmosphere is by removing carbon sources. This process can be implemented by using material able to capture and store CO2.

EnviroCrete® is a new and unique construction material formed by cement and scrap chipped wood.
The energy used to create the materials that make up a building is typically 22% of the total energy expended over the lifetime of the building, so it is worth paying attention to the materials specified, as well as to the energy-efficiency of the structure.

The efficacy of Bio-Climatic design and Green Building materials in subsidised housing in South Africa:
A case study to rate substantial improvement the quality of life
Roberto Pane; Shaiek Coe –EnviroCrete (Pty) Ltd


In order to rate the overall ‘quality’ of a building and thus establish the present and future commercial value of a given real estate there are two fundamental subjective judgement criteria that can be objectified through undisputable numerical economical, engineering architectural computations
The first being an purely esthetic judgement of a given architectural design in the context of the natural surroundings or urban neighborhood metered through it’s compliancy with well-established protocols of Bio-Climatic Design and Architecture and principals of Eco-Friendly Urban Planning and measured in practice in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
The second being the quality of dwelling within the building in terms of comfort, air quality and wellness of living that can be metered in terms of thermal efficiency (reference SANS 204: 2011 Energy Efficiency in Buildings) and measured in terms of savings of electricity and effective cost savings on the electricity bill.
The scope of the following study is to provide numerical evidence to express the ‘qualities’ of the EnviroCrete Bio-Climatic Building System and the EnviroCrete Green Construction comparison to conventional building technologies house design and urban plans that have been and still common place in South Africa.